38. Boardroom (definition)
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Board meetings have to happen somewhere. Fascinatingly, the place where board meetings happen is called a “boardroom.” Close your eyes and picture a boardroom. There’s a really high probability that you got it exactly right. Basically every boardroom in the real world looks exactly like what’s in your imagination right now. Ground-Up Governance has nothing to add to that image.
Actually, that’s not true. Sometimes boardrooms can be virtual – like an online video conference. But, more importantly, a boardroom can be literally any type of place as long as it’s safe, accessible, and conducive to confidential discussion. Super smart boards sometimes wonder if changing where their boardroom is or what it looks like might help with corporate governance. What if some directors are more comfortable small groups, or in a big circle, or in pairs, or at a ski lodge? In fact, we can imagine that some boards might work better if they met outdoors…at least sometimes. Maybe your board would make better decisions on the beach, in hammocks, and maybe with margaritas. Maybe it’s best for your corporation if every board meeting happens in a different place. Corporate governance is really important, so boardrooms really matter!