40. Oversight (definition)
NOTE: if you’re new to Ground-Up Governance, or are finding anything a bit strange or confusing, you might want to START HERE.
Remember those ten random directors you met on the street a few posts ago? Try asking them another question: “what is a board for?” Ground-Up Governance bets you $1 billion1 that all ten of them will use the word “oversight” or “oversee” within the first 5 seconds of their answer. When it comes to corporate governance, “oversight” is a word that people use to distinguish between the act of watching/talking about/worrying about people doing things in a corporation, and the act of actually doing those things. Oversight is the watching/talking about/worrying one.23
Ground-Up Governance doesn't really bet you $1 billion
I know this isn’t really how footnotes work, but in case you’re starting to feel a bit lost with the Ground-Up Governance narrative - like, for example, you have no idea what Reallie Steilish is, or what Mr. Bananaman does, or don’t know Ora the Orange, then we refer you back to this post, which encourages you to consume Ground-Up Governance in sequential order.